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About sheela31 |
I am a |
woman |
From |
arizona, United States |
Age |
41 y.o. |
Children |
No |
Want children |
No |
Speak |
English |
I look for a |
woman, 18-75, for friendship, relationship, romance |
More about me: |
My naMe is arriana, 26 YeaRs of aGe... . I Love
Going Out wiTh my FrieNds noT untiL noW, we
cOuLdn't MaKe thaT up AgaIn.., thiNgs hAve been
GoinG buSy,,, sOmetimes, i EvEn teNd to miSS my
BeD bEcause oF bOggEd dOwn wOrks,., i Spend mosTLy
oF mY fRee TiMe aT mY apArtmenT, waTch movie aNd
juSt spenDing Time WiTh MyseLf... eat a Lot aNd
sLeeP a LoT... HeY, i Love PerfUmes,., i Like The
mosChino ,,, i ALSo LoVe PasTas anD piZZas... i
couLd aLso be a FriEnd to AnyBody!,., reGardLess
of wHo aNd wHat kInd of PersOn yOu aRe... as LonG
aS yOu KnOw yoUr LimiTs aNd yoU knOW hOw to caRRy
youRseLf weLL,., i Am hAppy as Of NoW BecAuSe i Do
haVe Lots Of Friends, aNd stiLL gaiNing More,,.,,
as Long as i HaVe mY friends aNd moSt espEciaLLy
mY fAmiLy, i CaN nEver aSk For More...
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ID: 77736

